Aside from the supreme tech of Hyper MSG nanoalloy and V-Joint Alpha, the improved match kits and enhanced reversible extension truly elevate this 13m PRO edition.
Now supplied fitted with the 2.4m Professional 4mm Match Kit (PTK4.0-AU), which itself is near equal length two piece, features a pre bore reinforcement for side pullers plus a PTFE bush and No3 nose cone.
Its package includes three match top five kits which feature the PTK4.0-AU plus a No4 and No5 section.
The Super Light PHEX 89 concludes the 13m length but also offers some length versatility thanks to the reversible feature.
The slide easy effect of ITS taping starts at the No4, going down to the No7.
The decorated butts feature Diamond Satin coating.
To round it all off, the pole includes the 2.4m Professional Cupping Kit with cups and is packaged with protective EVA end caps, providing a buffer when stored in tubes or side by side in a hard case.
RRP £6200.00...................................SAVING £1901.00